2014 Best-of Contest Information
Sep 04, 2014 10:42AM ● By Brian O
Hello Anytown USA!
Now is your chance to weigh in on your favorite businesses in Anytown. You will be able to vote for your favorites in multiple categories for the 2014 Best-Of Awards. Please, take a minute to browse the directory to find your favorites, you vote for them directly from their directory listing - your opinion matters to us. Voting ends at midnight on April 30th, 2014.
You will be entered into a $100 dining package drawing. A winner will be drawn at the completion of the voting (Some Month on the 15th).
Voting results will be announced online at our website and Facbeook page. Results will also be published in the July/August 201x issue of our publication.
Thank you,
Voter Instructions
- Browse the directory for your favorite businesses
- Click on their listing to vote (see graphic below, sign in is required to ensure authenticity)
- Suggested - leave a review & share to Facebook

Business Instructions
- Create or Claim your business (if you haven't already)
- Complete your profile to make it look good and represent you well
- Share your profile to social media, email etc and ask customers to vote
- Enjoy being awesome